Position title
Actress Recruiter
This position is open to all interested applicants, female and male, as an intern/contractor basis.
The primary responsibilities of the position of Actress Recruiter, performs the following functions:
- Recruit actresses within specified selection standards for physical appearance (all body types accepted, but no weight gain over ten pounds without approval)
- Ensures that applicants are of legal age with open availability, STD tested and negative results
- Ensure the applicant has completed all applications, sexuality surveys, and interview
- Applicant performs all talents on film as agreed to in their contract
Recruiter must achieve one applicant per week that completes the initial assessment, and one applicant per month that performs in either a camming role or production role
The Actress Recruiter must have the following qualifications:
Strong social media presence and skills
- Must have a strong social following of like minded individuals
Good morale character
- Must be able to determine genuine intent of the actress
- Must interpret the status of the applicant and evaluate whether or not they want to participate in such an endeavor due to genuine interest versus necessity (bad home life, homelessness, abusive relationship, etc)
Online profiles
- Must use a variety of dating apps, classified ads, and other resources to achieve minimum results
Review all qualifications here
Job Benefits
Contract Intern Probationary Period: 90 Days
- Per Successful Applicant (Application, Survey, Interview, STD Results Negative, First Performance): $100.00
Contractor, Actress Recruiter: Beyond 90 Days
- Per Successful Applicant (Application, Survey, Interview, STD Results Negative, First Performance): $300.00
Human Resources: signup@cam702.com
(702) 907-2735 (text only)
Hiring organization

Employment Type
Contractor, Intern
Beginning of employment
October 1, 2022
Duration of employment
Job Location
Various Locations, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109, United States of America
Working Hours
As Required
Base Salary
Date posted
September 14, 2022
Valid through
December 31, 2024
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